Saturday, February 22, 2020

Super bowl commercials in the United States Essay

Super bowl commercials in the United States - Essay Example Though there are mixed emotions as to what should and should not be aired, ultimately it is a decision of freedom of speech while also remaining ethical and without offending a segment of the population due to race, gender, religion, or personal ethics. When considering these factors most major companies, including CBS, stand firmly behind free speech and freedom of the press but they are also relieved of the some of the pressure of censoring themselves with air time being so costly during specific times. Major companies want to shock, interest, and be creative but they also recognize the fine line between positive media influence and consumer gain and must consider the impact on their company financially should the commercial be viewed as offensive. There are several whose reputation and name brand have allowed them to carry off what a smaller and less known brand would not risk. Disagreeing with all censorship opens the door for those which are outright offensive to segments of the population such as in racial matters while building brand name strength in customer base. This serves some purpose but as a major company there is usually the continuing quest to build and increase one’s customer base, rather than further divide it. Many submitted were never allowed to air, including ones from major names such as PETA and Bud Light. While my position supports free speech 100% there several companies have outright censored any material containing matter of a specific nature without discussion or review. While in the past artists have been asked to perform during the super bowl there has been an instance of outright censorship of vocals which were censored specifically for the super bowl performance in 2006 by the Rolling Stones.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Psychological Analysis of the Story of Adam and Eve Essay

Psychological Analysis of the Story of Adam and Eve - Essay Example Interestingly, the Jewish story of God has a companion for him called Sophia 'Knowledge'. If God is the Oedipal father, then Sophia is the unobtainable mother. God is the mental 'superego', the judge or conscience. Adam is the Libido or Id. He is the human being of base desires; all this actions are inborn, and he lives in a state of gratification and simplicity. Eve is symbolic of the ego, which is concerned with the external reality, and the balance between physical desire and mental processes. Adam's knowledge is filtered through her; and where as Adam is unified with God's will, having no ego of his own, Eve is independent, her will is self-will, and Adam's is the will of the Other. Lucifer, as the serpent, is the symbol of a human being coming to consciousness, moving away from his parent, and beginning to reach out beyond the limitations of the Father. The serpent can be seen as the one who brings Adam and Eve out of the oedipal complex, and into the mental processes of Eros and Thanatos. In the story of Genesis, God is the Forbidding Father, or Thanatos, closely connected to the death drive; He represses the knowledge and understanding of Adam.